Welcome To the Site
Posted by Slynk | Posted on 2:51 AM
I decided I really should have a site to chronicle anything I do. Especially if it was a point of interest to others. So what you can expect from this site:
- Tutorials on a wide range of topics from General Programming, to Game Development, to Security.
- Updates on current projects.
- Philosophical posts for when I'm feeling extra chatty.
- Probably other stuff as well.
I'm going to try and get a little income from this site so please excuse the one add at the bottom of my posts. I also have a link on the right as to how you can help me out. If I end up finding a job and can afford NOT to have adds, I will remove them. But until then, please ignore them. ^^;
Great site Slynk! Keep up the great work!
Very nice bud. I got a job for you. It's called Playstation 3 Reverse Engineer. It's all charity work but the outcome is so worth the time. :P